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More than Work is a weekly podcast that shares stories of individuals who have found that their self-worth is determined by more than their job title whether they are pursuing their passions outside of work or finding ways to create opportunities to do work that reflects their values. The lesson: life is More Than Work.

Maybe you’ll be inspired to finally try that thing, whatever it is!

More Than Work is hosted by this site’s creator, me, Rabiah Coon. Years ago, before everyone had a podcast, I was a music podcaster for! I’m excited to bring this to listeners.

In the first episode, I talk more about why I decided on this project. > Listen

Interested in being a guest? Please listen to the podcast and let me know why your story is a good fit at morethanworkpod at gmail dot com. Please only pitch if your story is a fit!

 Most Recent Episode

The most recent guest is Amanda Castello, a career advisor, yoga teacher and Ayurveda coach. We chat about her own path to working with MBA students and what and the importance of her yoga and Ayurveda practices.

Where to find More Than Work

You can listen to More Than Work on this site. Each episode has a built in player.

Or, better yet, SUBSCRIBE where you listen to podcasts.

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Podchaser - More Than Work Podcast

Recorded with Squadcast. Starting a pod? Record with them!

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Rabiah Coon Rabiah Coon

S7E11 - Sean Arkless

This week’s guest is Sean Arkless, found at Sjark and lead singer of Hello, Amnesia

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