Writing Location: Brewdog in Camden, London
This has been a strange, long year. I think everyone has seen at least one meme saying that March to August 2020 lasted more than a year. Or that 2020 is f*cked. But, strangely, it has also been a great year for me. That’s the lesson of 2020, isn’t it? Life can be really bad and really good at the same time.
Do you make lists? I like lists. They organize my thoughts in a way that makes the quantifiable. If I make a list of Pros and Cons for example, I can count the items in each list and then say, with some certainty, “Well, the pros outweigh the cons.” Of course, that only works if I don’t assign a value to each item. In that case, even if there are more Pros than Cons, if the items under Cons are given a higher value than the Pros, I could end up with the other situation. Then, I can’t use that familiar phrase. This year, I’m in that situation. I can list more Pros than Cons but the Cons are very heavy. Am I making sense?
Before I get to my list of the good in 2020, I want to say one thing about the bad part of 2020. I haven’t hidden where I stand politically. I stand to the left of center on almost any issue. I’ll take this opportunity to say I am 100% in for Biden-Harris 2020 and resisted writing a piece all about that at this time. I will say one more thing and then move on. Please VOTE if you’re a US citizen who is eligible to vote. Learn more about registering and how to vote by clicking this sentence. It hasn’t been much easier in the UK than it has in the US from what I can tell. And, in either case, I blame leadership at the top level. Also, I’m from California and think Governor Newsom is doing the best he can at each turn. Ok, I’m off my soapbox now. Back to the rest of 2020.
There have been some really awesome things that happened this year and I’ll focus on those. Here is a list:
I moved to London, from California. It was hard at the end. I was living with friends before I left and had to say goodbye to them. I was seen off by several friends and their kids at the airport. There were tears. Kids grow so fast. I had to say goodbye to my family. Those kids are growing fast too. I planned to see them in May so it was no big deal to leave in January. Now it has turned into a bigger deal.
I bought a bike and have ridden it well over 1000 miles, mostly around The Regents Park. There is a Zoo at Regent’s. I pass giraffes on my ride. When I’m lucky they are outside. During lockdown, I felt like they were my giraffes. Now humans are back in the zoo so they are the giraffes of ticketholders.
I have seen so much of London, from a bike. I have ridden a lot and even had a streak over 100 days going at one point.
I feel better and more fit. I meditated over 100 days in a row. I’m going to try for another 100 soon. I lapsed. I have to forgive myself in 2020 and not beat myself up. That’s so 2019.
I went to Scotland for the first time.
I have made a lot of online friends in comedy and even some real-life friends.
I have made people laugh in the UK.
I have written a LOT. I took a writing class and a comedy workshop both of which I would not have done so readily in lockdown. I have a lot of new material and I’m a better writer.
Professionally, I have had some cool projects and have connected with co-workers in a new way. My close work friends have become closer. I’ve made some new ones too. I have also become a Scrum Master and got my Adobe certification.
I have connected and reconnected with friends and family in a way I wouldn’t have if we weren’t all in this pandemic. I love them. I feel lucky, even when I’m lonely, because I know I can pick up the phone and reach people in quite a range of timezones who will answer.
I got this site up. My friend Rob designed it. He believed in me even when I was doubtful.
I’m launching a podcast again. I loved podcasting. I am excited to do it again.
I know I can get in better physical shape and I know I can handle a pandemic. 2020 has taught me that. I’m so unafraid, I’ll end my list on the number thirteen.
I encourage you to make a list if it helps. It doesn’t have to be written but can just be in your head. It is a challenge that, if you accept it, may lead to a moment of peace.
2020 has been pretty cool, but, it has also been pretty awful. I’ve been more stressed and anxious that I have been in a long time. I don’t know how we’ll get through it sometimes. And I’m so angry I end up saying really awful and sometimes really funny (despite being awful) things.
We have a few more months to go and then its 2021 and we probably have to go into that a little patient because it is going to be an extension of 2020 for a time, until there is a vaccine.
I’ll leave you with this; take care of yourself and then take care of each other. It is ok to feel both joy and not joy (there are a lot of words for it) at once. Oh, and watch Father of the Bride (3ish). It’s really good and the perfect excuse for a good cry whether you think you need it or not.